Christian Arts & Theatre
Christian Arts & Theatre of Corona (CAT) is a unique non-profit after-school program for youth ages 4-18 that nurtures self-discipline, self-confidence, and a love for the arts. Dedicated to helping students grow through artistic excellence and guided by traditional Biblical values, CAT offers a supportive environment where young people can thrive. Our instructors are qualified professionals who provide comprehensive training in the creative arts, instilling valuable skills that extend beyond the stage.
CAT is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN #45-0509904).
A Message from
our Artistic Director
During the course of a production at CAT of Corona, the members of the audience will be witnesses to a miracle: Watching children, some of whom have absolutely no theater experience, blossom before our eyes into confident performers. Here at CAT of Corona, we are helping children experience this for themselves. CAT benefits our community by providing arts and culture to families in the Inland Empire through high-quality, wholesome musicals. We are an unparalleled youth theater program that builds self-discipline and self-confidence while teaching a love for the arts. We fill a tremendous need, especially since the arts have virtually disappeared from school budgets. I welcome all families in our community to join us. We are in the business of truly building character in our kids!
-Cyndi Monroe
How Our Program Works
CAT offers various programs and classes for children as an after-school activity throughout the year. We hold two, fifteen-week sessions: Fall (August-December) and Spring (January-May). During those sessions, we hold a range of classes Monday-Thursday, from acting, singing, and dance to other speciality performing arts classes. After-School classes are held between the hours of 3:30pm and 8:30pm. Classes meet for 1 hour weekly. Enrolled students have the opportunity to audition for that season's Main Stage production(s) performed at the Corona Civic Center Theater.